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Zero Days

A zero-day vulnerability occurs when a software error or hole impacting security is discovered and exploited before a patch is developed to address the vulnerability.

Vulnerablites are ranked on a public scale. A low severity may be worse depending on the time the vulnerability is public and the impact it has had or is expected to have up to that point. In addition, vulnerability severities are reassessed and may become more risky at any time of day.

Therefore, technology folks need to understand that these findings where all zero-days, at one point or another.

Zero-Days are even more so seen in these areas today:
-> Explosive ransomware
-> Artificial intelligence (AI) attacks
-> Internet of Things (IoT)
-> State-sponsored attacks
-> Sandbox-evading malware
-> App store malware
-> Cryptojacking
-> Dronejacking
-> Cloud computing

Most CTOs and CISOs in their heart know this exact fact nowady’s about Zero-Days, that they are perilous in this current tech stack model. As so on and on, they accept these risks, avoid them as much as possible, and/or by passing them off somewhere else like to an expense cybersecurity insurance policy.

Today’s technology owners of systems and applications are not capable of knowing everything beforehand like an all seeing crystal ball, nor may we rely on fancy big tech cybersecurity tools to be updated to the moment of time to accept all these risks upfront.

In this way our tech stacks of today fail us.

Lets zero out Zero-Days. Choose NoSec.