Obviously not every critical cybersecurity threat is broadcasted on national television.
It was only about 10 years ago when every public news in the world was talking about the Heartbleed malware, which affected roughly every 2 out of 3 of active websites worldwide.
In this case a ubiquitous technology such as OpenSSL Apache and Nginx platforms where the target technologies.
The rumor is true that the USA government agencies and NSA exploited the Heartbleed Bug for many years prior to its public discovery.
Furthermore, this means that all private and public companies where mainly helpless to this threat.
Threat actors, mainly state government sponspored, are a major cyber and non-cyber concern, due to the amount of technological control they amass over the rest of the world.
Other infamous dangerous malwares that follow similar patterns include Stuxnet, Melissa, I Love You, MYDOOM, and WannaCry ransomware.
The world needs technologies with security built-in and incorruptible exchange of data via the world wide web.
In this prime example of threat actors, “NoSec theory” is important for growth and tantamount to advancing in tech.
The NoSec CIA cybersecurity model is the answer and solution.