There are many common approaches to compute runtime protections such as SEHOP, ASLR, and DEP, and many more code security best practies which make it more difficult for any piece of code to take over a system, without knowing a precise attack signature, however these solutions and workarounds have issues and are difficult to maintain on systems…
—> Structured Exception Handler Overwrite Protection (SEHOP) attempts to make stack overflows harder to accomplish by checking to make sure that chains of exception handlers (interruptions) aren’t hijacked…but…
…still hackable.
—> Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) – moves pieces of programs around randomly in portions of memory in an attempt to make it harder for nefarious code segments to jump to some place in memory that they shouldn’t…but…
…old school tech.
—> Data Execution Prevention (DEP) – an attempt to prevent programs from executing in memory locations that should contain data and not code…but…
…prone to issues.
NoSec focus on advanced technologies and implementations, not cosmetic fixes to old school tech patterns.