NoSec is anti big-tech cybersecurity because we are against big technology waste.
From 2020 to 2024, its estimated per year that over 2 trillion global dollars are spent yearly on cybersecurity workforce, and to secure traditional technology systems. Many of these hours are wasted based on a means, not to an end.
90% of time in cybersecurity of traditional systems is chasing issues and ongoing patches or defensive updates.
From 2020 to 2024, its estimated per year that over 10 trillion global dollars are involved in illegal cyber hacking and fraudulent digital activities. Its almost all complete waste aka a con business. NoSec bucks this trend.
Cybercrime is the current war upon us. The advances in AI compute power and logic will make these tactics even easier and more prevalent unfortunately. NoSec seeks to help win this war.
Most tech companies seek the industry brand-name software of a cybersecurity group that may charge too much costs, and only manage to provide a patchwork arduous process, while at the same time increasing tech complexity.
Cybersecurity industry today is a big business, not an overall evolved solution. Cybersecurity today is overall massive expense cost for most companies. Succinctly put, in its current form, the cybersecurity industry produces lots of wasted time and lots of wasted money for companies while not doing much to evolve risk reduction strategies, for a better world with more advanced technology implementations. This current modern day model also causes and incurs too much risk by leaving all the technology and cybersecurity keys in a few small powers that be, including governments, and big-tech organizations.
Big tech cybersecurity, even managed cybersecurity servicers, love the cybersecurity scene today as-is because it does not seek to fix technology problems thoroughly and entirely.
The tech world ends up with the same problems, over again and again, on and on. Just one wrong tech move out of millions of cybersecurity checks and locks, then applications systems are vulnerable, breached, or even worse. Even AI is not good enough to keep this patchwork, arduous, and time consuming grift going. It’s a “wants” vs a “needs” dilemma.
Imagine your cyber castle with fewer or no locks, guards, traps, or barriers while making vulnerabilities and threats endlessly negligent and unsuccessfully honey trapped in virutal and computational black holes.
NoSec instead seeks better tech implementations and sleeker cybersecurity designs, while in defeating cyber threats and vulnerabilites continually.
NoSec despises the current modern-day information technology model for information security, which does not seek technology advancements, or new cybersecurity technology strategies.
NoSec is NOT a big tech cybersecurity business that loves sustaining cybersecurity problems. NoSec hates sustaining cybersecurity problems and wasted time.
NoSec extinguishes cyber problems and wastes, with innovative cybersecurity strategies and solutions, and in-depth technical recommendations and delivery.
NoSec does cybersecurity where we shift all cybersecurity left in the development and deployment of cyber supply chains, for each and every client respectively.
We intuitively use Zero Trust at every step, layer, and segment of the technology stack. Unleash the power of Web3, AI, and serverless compute to name a few areas.
Our goal is to streamline cybersecurity to the point where it is more inclusive of information technology, and not a separate distinct silo or unit. Our development teams are security engineers and vice versa.
Choose NoSec, and your future without cybersecurity, towards an end goal to NoSec.
What does it mean to be a “NoSec-er” and to perform “to nosec”. What it means to “to nosec” means to not be comfortable with “as-is” cybersecurity solutions.
Be a NoSec-er. Evolve your cyber security needs.